


Jul 16, 2020 Take Notes, Son.

I hate being wrong. Yes, I know.  You don’t either.  No one wants to be wrong,  which is weird that the idea has evolved into an aphorism, even as aphorisms go.  It’s so obvious that it doesn’t even deserve to be a cliche. But really tho, it

Jul 15, 2020 Unloc

Today we started to take Noelle’s dreadlocks down. It’s a tedious, fantastic task to pull hundreds of thousands of hairs apart, fibers that have been bound together for almost eight years. It takes some moisture, more conditioner, and even more patience. Locks aren’t supposed to be removed.

Jul 18, 2020 The Gig Economy

Today I performed for the first time in four months. It was a wedding gig my best friend put me on with his band. When you live and die by scripts and cues, the gig life is such an uncomfortable release. I kept pestering my buddy for information about the

by Noelle Anderson
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Jul 18, 2020 The Gig Economy

Today I performed for the first time in four months. It was a wedding gig my best friend put me on with his band. When you live and die by scripts and cues, the gig life is such an uncomfortable release. I kept pestering my buddy for information about the

by Noelle Anderson
Jul 16, 2020 Take Notes, Son.

I hate being wrong. Yes, I know.  You don’t either.  No one wants to be wrong,  which is weird that the idea has evolved into an aphorism, even as aphorisms go.  It’s so obvious that it doesn’t even deserve to be a cliche. But really tho, it

by Noelle Anderson
Jul 15, 2020 Unloc

Today we started to take Noelle’s dreadlocks down. It’s a tedious, fantastic task to pull hundreds of thousands of hairs apart, fibers that have been bound together for almost eight years. It takes some moisture, more conditioner, and even more patience. Locks aren’t supposed to be removed.

by Noelle Anderson
blog   -   Jul 14, 2020 Almost missed you

This in another one of those posts that aren’t really about anything, but I feel better and better typing it as I go along. I have to write today. I mean, I came up with some GREAT topics, but there still on that desktop sticky app. I don’t

by Noelle Anderson
Jul 13, 2020 On Saber-Tooths, Joshua, and your Bitch-ass Brain.

I keep telling myself that I’m not a writer. I do it as I’m editing content, drafting a press release, writing copy for a website, or working on an essay to publish on Medium. Why? because that’s the easiest way to stay right where I am. Not

by Noelle Anderson
blog   -   Jul 12, 2020 The Crib

This post comes to you during a break from a spring/summer/all moved in after 16 months cleaning session. We bought our home in February 2019, and today was the day that I unpacked our last box. The house was built in 1912, and its wooden frame feels swollen

by Noelle Anderson
blog   -   Jul 11, 2020 Shouldn't we all be Ivy League?

Friday evening, Noelle, Archie, and I were enjoying the start of our evening mile walk through the neighborhood, when I noticed the ivy growing on the side of a garage next to a funeral home. Its lustrous green leaves poked stiffly from the length of a serpentine stem, which I

by Noelle Anderson
blog   -   Jul 10, 2020 That's all for today, folks.

I had a really great day today.  I finished a big work project, my wife and I had a great Friday date night, and I love Batman: Arkham Knight. It doesn’t always have to be that deep.

by Noelle Anderson
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